Made of Stone – Matt Corby.

This song is absolutely beautiful.  It’s also very, very suitable for exemplifying how to awesomely use chords and patterns to create / play a piano part. I hope that -if you don’t already know him- it’ll also introduce you to the great Matt Corby. Those of you that have ‘liked’ and are following the Facebook ... Read more

Key=Bbm. Follow-along, insight-broadening video lesson.

Some keys can be quite challenging.

The key of Bbm, I can imagine, is one of such caliber for many of you.

Here's a quick lesson in which we'll be practicing, exploring and truly getting to know this key (scale) together.

As I've mentioned many times before, when playing Pop-Piano, it's very important to know every stone in every corner of the 'playing-ground' you're in.

The key in which the harmony is flowing at a specific moment in musical time IS your playing-ground. It's notes your cornerstones.

If you know the notes in the scale of every musical situation, you could be able strike off something similar as to what I do @ the end of the video.

The video speaks for itself. Easy to follow, skill-building, technique-developing, insight- and knowledge-broadening AND some very valuable exercises to take you by the hand and guide you throughout this challenging scale.

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V-log pattern lesson: Top two – bottom.

Hi All!

This week, another short, highly useful, video-lesson.

It’s meant to -once again- show you the might of patterns and actually learning you a (new) pattern, as well as give you a preview of what you can expect in both the current course, as well as the upcoming, brand new, video-based-six-week bootcamp course to learn pop-piano basics.

A note to my current course followers: you might recognise the pattern from this video, but I think the extra explanation given here can help all of you too.

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Stay – Great example of simple chord + pattern use

Hi All! How’s everybody doing? This week is a very short, very informative and highly educational lesson featuring Rihanna’s current mega-hit Stay. Again Rihanna?! Yes, for those of you who mind: SORRY, but: She’s immensely popular (so this probably means the bigger part of you DOES enjoy her songs and learning them). This song demonstrates ... Read more

V-log: Add flair to your chords and sound like a pro.

Hi All! How’s everybody doing? First of all: Thanks so much for all the kind, sweet, supporting, enthusiastic and positive responses that I received on last weeks, first V-log try! Success. 🙂 Therefore, hereby my second try (taken into account all the feedback I got, hopefully already a little better than the first one, like ... Read more

V-log: Sus 2 and some cool options to use it.

  Hi All! Yes, yes, yes, it’s here! The brand-new post / newsletter format! It’s 4-part newnewnewnew: 1. In stead of the long, text-based lessons, there’s now a VIDEO lesson (oh shizzle, you finally get to see my face!) with me explaining some kind of piano-related technique. It will either be a cool pattern, a lick, ... Read more

Travel practice, Method C.

Hi All!   This week I've reached a few very special milestones, that I'd like to share with you who made all of this possible:   500 subscribers on the youtube channel! Yaj! :). Thanks to all you tubers! Please keep sharing and liking the video's.    This '500-subscriber-milestone' is one that I've had in ... Read more

Travel Practice, Method B.

Hi all!   This week I'll continue where I left of last week, showing you the highly effective method B of our three-part travel practice routine.   Method B. Seeing sounds. Where does it work: train, bus, subway, tram, airplane or any other form of public transport + everywhere and every time you have to ... Read more

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