Some keys can be quite challenging.
The key of Bbm, I can imagine, is one of such caliber for many of you.
Here's a quick lesson in which we'll be practicing, exploring and truly getting to know this key (scale) together.
As I've mentioned many times before, when playing Pop-Piano, it's very important to know every stone in every corner of the 'playing-ground' you're in.
The key in which the harmony is flowing at a specific moment in musical time IS your playing-ground. It's notes your cornerstones.
If you know the notes in the scale of every musical situation, you could be able strike off something similar as to what I do @ the end of the video.
The video speaks for itself. Easy to follow, skill-building, technique-developing, insight- and knowledge-broadening AND some very valuable exercises to take you by the hand and guide you throughout this challenging scale.