Made of Stone – Matt Corby.

This song is absolutely beautiful. 

It’s also very, very suitable for exemplifying how to awesomely use chords and patterns to create / play a piano part.

I hope that -if you don’t already know him- it’ll also introduce you to the great Matt Corby.

Those of you that have ‘liked’ and are following the Facebook page, have seen the original version of this song posted a couple of days ago. Truly gifted musician.

Since I like this musician so much, I also wanted to share a cover I made of one of his other beautiful songs "Brother," a guitar-only song which I turned into a Piano-only version.
Thought I’d upload it here to show you an example of what you can do with using chords and patterns, turning a guitar part into a piano part and adding your own taste to it.

Hope you like it.

Have fun! 

Cheers, Coen.

Any questions / remarks? Please leave a comment!

Used chords made of stone

Pre chorus made of stone Pre chorus made of stone1

Pre chorus made of stone2

Chorus Made of Stone

About Coen

Founder of Piano Couture and creator of the Hack the Piano method. Coen is a musician, reader, writer, web-designer, eater and traveler. Find him at

16 thoughts on “Made of Stone – Matt Corby.”

  1. This is so awesome! I love this song so much, I'm seeing him live soon and I've been busting to learn this song! Thanks so much, you're a true lad!

  2. I am Korean and I am not fluent in English.
    I'd like to be able th play the piano
    Piano sheet music does not see. I want to play the melody of emotion....
    Have a nice day!

    • Hi So yun An,
      Thanks for your comment. I never use any 'classical' sheet music, so there is none. Also I truly love your sentence 'play the melody of emotion': that would probably sound totally awesome, very curious ;). What I think you meant is to play the melody from this song, which I advise not to, but to sing, as is done in the original.
      I try to teach original piano versions, not 'pop-song-made-classical'-versions.
      Thanks again! Cheers

  3. Thank you so much for this tutorial, I've been looking for(a good) one because this song and matt corby are absolutly stunning..

  4. Ahh thank you so much for this! it was so helpful. Matt Corby is by far my favourite artist, and this song is so beautiful and special to me so I'm heaps happy I can play it on the piano! Cheers mate for uploading (:

    • You're very welcome Amy!
      Yeah he's truly awesome. Saw him live last February. One of the best live performances I've ever seen. His vocals are out of this world. Have you seen my covers? Did brother (oh I see I already posted that one in this article 🙂 ) and -more recently- Trick of the Light ( Not to be compared to the real deal, obviously 😀
      Thanks for your comment!
      Cheers, Coen.


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