Dire Straits - On Every Street

Dire Straits - On Every Street is one of those songs that makes you wonder where real music has gone these days.

When I first heard the beautiful instrumental intermezzo -which later translates into the killer guitar-riff outro of this tune- I must admit there was a brief moment where I suspected angels to be peeing on my eardrums.

As the first 2:50 of the track serve as sort of an "intro" -albeit extensive and consisting of two parts that suggest a verse-chorus structure- that's solely carried by a piano, I thought it would be cool to translate that signature instrumental part (although a bit re-harmonized, the intermezzos and outro are actually the "same" parts. A nice lesson in and of itself of how the use of different patterns, playing styles and indeed some re-harmonization can create such a derivative of a piece of music) to the keys -again-, glue 'em together and create an all-piano version.

And then teach it to you, obviously.

So that's exactly what I did.

The first part of this weeks tutorial teaches the entire vocalized "intro" of the song and the clarinet & piano instrumental intermezzo where I'll show you:

  • How Mark Knopfler puts Slash Chords to good use.
  • How to juice up a super-basic feel, by adding in (snippets of) your own flavored pattern(s).
  • How to combine a clarinet (melody) and piano (harmony) part and still make that melody stand out in one beautiful piano arrangement.
  • How to dress-up some of the chords to color them to your taste.

The second part is a detailed break-down of my piano translation of the end-guitar riff (available in the Song Learner-area; as is the tutorial pack -sheets & MIDI-).


Both parts 1 & 2 of the tutorial now available for free!

You can get the Premium sheet (free for the first week after publication, so that's between November 19nd and November 26th, 2021) below the video.

Have fun with Dire Straits - On Every Street!



Dire Straits - On Every Street Tutorial Part 1 (Intro / Verse / Chorus)

Dire Straits - On Every Street Tutorial Part 2 (Main Guitar Riff / Hook)

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Sheet with all chord images as per used in the tutorial, in the correct order

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About Coen

Founder of Piano Couture and creator of the Hack the Piano method. Coen is a musician, reader, writer, web-designer, eater and traveler. Find him at CoenModder.com

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