John Mayer - Free Fallin' (Tom Petty Cover) | Guitar-made-piano song tutorial

In this tutorial I'll show you one of the most-viewed acoustic tracks of John Mayer's show "where the light is" - his hauntingly beautiful performance of Tom Petty's Free Fallin'

Hi Guys! How's it going?

Free Fallin' is an immensely popular song from John Mayer's "Where the light is." A live CD/DVD where John shows himself from three different angles: acoustic singer-songwriter, bluesrock(funk?) trio and fullblown pop-band-artist, all with an equal amount of unreal skill. It is one of my favorite musical registrations of all time and has made John one of the few men able to steal my heart - yet many moons ago.

Here I show how you can copy Free Fallin' a guitar-only (well, three guitars actually) tune on the piano - something that just never get's old, does it?

Lastly, this post marked the 100,000 subscriber milestone, for which I would like to express a million thanks to every single one of you that has supported me over the past few years! Unreal. Thank you so much.

John Mayer | Free Fallin' (Tom Petty Cover)

About Coen

Founder of Piano Couture and creator of the Hack the Piano method. Coen is a musician, reader, writer, web-designer, eater and traveler. Find him at

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