Now this one is funky.
I think this lesson demonstrates perfectly, how using and adding different patterns can totally transform a piano-part.
First, using and learning the original piano part from this track (that what the actual piano plays on the record), we'll get to know the chords and how to lay 'em down nicely to provide a beautiful harmony-carpet.
Then, in the second half of the video, I'll show you the 'funky' version. That what is played by one of the Electric-Piano's on the record.
As I say in the beginning of the video: 'funk' is created by different instruments, filling different 'gaps' in time and playing sort of 'counter-rhythms/patterns'.
Challenge for this week: try to come up with a pattern to simulate the guitar part of this song. If we (you) would then record all three layers over one another, we'd have something that would come very, very close to the original.
I thought I'd limit the options to that what is actually played by keys (piano's) in the original song, but being able to simulate that guitar would also be really cool, obviously. Something for you to work on :).
Questions / remarks? Please leave a comment below this post!
Have fun!
Cheers, Coen.