CoutCam - Jamie Cullum's All At Sea Vamp

For this week's CoutCam video - a Vamp taken from Jamie Cullum's "All At Sea" A very soothing, highly "loopable" vamp taken from Jamie's Twentysomething album (my favorite). The right hand plays a back-and-forth sixteenth-beats pattern between a "b-flat" & "e-flat" (quarter) and an "a-flat." The left hand changes chords (which makes the function of ... Read more

Prince - How Come You Don't Call Me | Song Tutorial

"How Come You Don’t Call Me (Anymore)," even though it was only released as a B-side, might in my eyes just be the perfect embodiment of the signature characteristics that made Prince such a great musician. I remember the first time when I saw Prince play some live, solo-piano on a Youtube video where he ... Read more

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