ChordAI Pro One Year For iPhone

Original price was: €99.00.Current price is: €79.00.

"Shazam for Chords"
find the Chords & their voicings for any song

Chord AI brings the latest deep learning algorithms into your phone to get you the exact chords for any song

This license also works to prolong your existing subscription.

*Note* this is the iPhone version of the app.
Interested in the Android version? Sign up for the waitlist here.

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ChordAI Pro

ChordAI Pro

iPhone App

How it works:

Chord ai uses recent advances in AI to give you the chords and beats of any song automatically with unprecedented accuracy. You won’t need anymore to look for the chords of a song on the web.

Device Slider

Get a full year of ChordAI Pro with this Piano Lingo members-license, and save more than 47% over a regular monthly subscription!

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