Play Like Elton BootCamp (LikeLive Edition)

Original price was: €999.00.Current price is: €249.00.

Premium 4-week program demystifying Sir Elton's style and showing you exactly how he thinks, what he plays and how you can integrate his "tricks of the trade" into all of your playing.


  • 28-day Coached Training Program
  • 4 Premium Workshops led by Coen
  • Dedicated Online Course
  • Exercises & Assignments to Implement, Apply and Execute.
  • 4-Week Email Accountability Course

€4000+ in value, now for less than 1/10th of the price.

This is the "recorded" edition of a previously held live program, for which people have paid up to €999.

Get the exact same program, now with the benefit of fitting it around your schedule (in stead of having to show up at exact live times) and doing lessons whenever it suits you, while saving €700 €800 over the original price.

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Play Like Elton BootCamp (LikeLive Edition)
Original price was: €999.00.Current price is: €249.00.
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