Piano Couture

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The Pop-Piano Lifestyle

Learn Pop-Piano

Hack the Piano

The Pop-Piano Method 
Learn to play modern piano.
By Chords. By Ear. By Heart.

Hack the Piano is the ultimate piano-guide for (aspiring) singers, songwriters, producers & keyboardists
- ranging from in-home hobbyists entertaining themselves, friends & family; to professional musicians in-the-making.


Pop-Piano Training Programs

BootCamps are fully guided-, workshops-based-, step-by-step jumpstarts.
Built around a carefully structured schedule, weekly masterclass sessions & coaching - they are your quickest way to Pop-Piano success.

(Chord Piano+Step-By-Step Plan)xAccountability = Results

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Piano Couture Magazine

I'm Just Starting Out With Some Basic Triads

or have never played with chords before

I Know The Basic Triads And Some Inversions

and am looking to make them sound more interesting with patterns

Let's help you find what's right for you

What's Your Level of playing
chord piano?

want to learn how to actually play like Elton, Billy, Jamie etc... ?

Get Started Free

the Hack the Piano


Get this 5-part video class for FREE.
Learn the proprietary "musical language" framework that allows pro-pop-piano singers/songwriters to play and sound like they do - without needing sheets.

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the Couturian

The Couturian is a free email newsletter with tips, tricks and lessons for playing modern piano without sheets.

Play It For Me

Get a custom-arranged piano recording
professionally played & recorded by Coen

Teach Me

If you want to learn how to play Chord Piano yourself,
this free workshop is the quickest way to learn how

Let's find what's right for you

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