Pop-Piano Patterns Course


How to transform any chord-progression into an engaging, moving, grooving, sophisticated, flowing arrangement.

This program is ideal for those that know their Chords, and want to learn how to create full-blown, authentic sounding pop-piano arrangements out of them - by ear, by heart.

The Pop Piano Patterns Program is a 2-stage, 6-module on-demand online course that will show you how to turn any set of Chords into an engaging, flowing, moving, grooving piano accompaniment using rhythms, techniques and licks, or in other words: Patterns.

Every included module focusses on a specific concept. Step-by-step, concise and to-the-point.

Using a combination of video, text and exercises you'll internalize each concept in the fastest, most effective way possible.

You'll learn:

  • how to add rhythm & groove
  • how to break-up chords & create flowing arrangements
  • how to phrase chords
  • how to connect one chord to the next with "in between" melodic/rhythmic phrases
  • how to use the given harmonic information to form riffs, fills & melodies

.. and obviously: where everything stems from, so that you'll gain a foundational understanding to (re-)create everything yourself in all of your future playing.

Level 1

Patterns - Rhythms & Accents

how to add rhythm and build piano-grooves from Chords

Level 2

Phrasing Secrets

transform any chord progression into a sophisticated, moving piano arrangement

Not quite proficient with Chords yet? Try our Piano Chords Magic Course.

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Pop-Piano Patterns Course
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