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Step 1 : Whitelist our email addresses

Relevant info regarding your course, as well as the entire accountability program, will be sent to you via email.
To not miss any important messages, please add:
"contact@pianolingo.com" and "info@piano-couture.com"
to your address book / safe list.

Step 2 : Find your content

Here are all relevant links to start your Chord Piano Journey.

  • You will find all your online content - courses & community - in our Piano Hackers members' area Piano Lingo.
  • Downloads
    You can find all your downloads, including your ebook and any downloadable upgrades you took, in the "order details" (right side, or - on mobile - below) and in your account.
  • Ebook example videos are linked directly from within the ebook

For more details, please check your email. Don't see any emails from us? Please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you add "contact@pianolingo,com" and "coen@piano-couture.com" to your address book / safe list, to make sure our emails find you safe and well next time.

Need help? Contact us

If you have any questions - we're here to help.
Just send an email to info@piano-couture.com and we'll get back to you asap.

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