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upgrade your order now!

Add the Hack the Piano workbook bundle to your order
and get the Chord AI Pro app included FREE!
The perfect compliment to your book.

Immediately apply everything you learn with Piano Hacking on these premium song tools

Learn, step-by-step how to build Chords
and add rhythm & flow to transform them into engaging piano arrangements using Patterns...

... + immediately apply everything on these premium song-lessons (included for FREE)!


the Hack the Piano Online
Workbook, Worksheets & Chord App Bundle

1. Chord AI Pro App



iPhone App

"Shazam for Chords"
find the Chords & their voicings for any song

Chord AI brings the latest deep learning algorithms into your phone to get you the exact chords for any song

How it works:

Chord ai uses recent advances in AI to give you the chords and beats of any song automatically with unprecedented accuracy. You won’t need anymore to look for the chords of a song on the web.

Device Slider

Get a full year of ChordAI Pro when your upgrade now!

total value €343

Today Just €47!

This offer is exclusively for those that just purchased the Chord Piano BluePRint and is NOT available anywhere else

You must act RIGHT NOW - if you click away from this page, this offer will be gone forever.

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