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Yes! upgrade Me to VIP for only €97!

Dive deeper, get a more personalized experience & keep LIFETIME access to the training.
(🤫 and get the recordings of the previous OnRamps PLUS a coupon worth the full amount of this upgrade included FREE! 🤫)

The perfect upgrade for your Chord Piano OnRamp BootCamp

Here's What You'll Get When You Upgrade To VIP

Lifetime Access (Value $147)

Lifetime Access to the OnRamp Trainings

When the OnRamp ends after 21 days, keep access to its lessons, sessions and online course, so you can redo it anytime you want.

BluePrint Modules (Value $179)

All "Hack the Piano" Modules From The Chord Piano BluePrint

Essentially, the OnRamp BootCamp guides you through the Hack the Piano method. These modules from its Chord Piano BluePrint online course, will provide you with extra details and pre-recorded videos that go over the concepts in more bite-sized steps. Super convenient for review, or diving a little deeper on things you need more help with. Plus, you can access them and start learning immediately.

Extra Q&A sessions (Value $299)

Small group Q&A sessions where Coen obliterates your obstacles

Problems, issues, stumbling-blocks and obstacles are ofter very personal. The workshops of the BootCamp are not - we can't know what the things that are holding you back are for you personally, without you telling us. So that's exactly what you can do here. Tell us. Ask us. And we'll help you overcome them.

FREE BONUS: Recordings of the Previous OnRamp (Value $199)

We've run the OnRamp twice before. Get access to those recordings

Every BootCamp is different. Emphases vary, levels vary, example songs vary. Therefore, each edition is extra valuable in its very own right - teaching you specific things extra well, and showing stuff from various angles and through different lenses, which make you pick up the stuff that much more effectively.

FREE BONUS 2: €100 Chord Piano Formula Rebate (Value $100)

€100 Discount Coupon for Chord Piano Formula

We make no secret of the fact that this OnRamp is in fact an introduction for our flagship Chord Piano Formula program. We're running it at such a crazy low admission fee, because we hope it will convince you of the value of that full program and upgrade after the OnRamp ends. With this bonus, when you upgrade, you'll get (more than!) the full amount you pay here back as discount on the full Chord Piano Formula (which in fact makes this upgrade totally free!)

Yes! upgrade Me to VIP for only €97!

Dive deeper, get a more personalized experience & keep LIFETIME access to the training.
(🤫 and get the recordings of the previous OnRamps PLUS a coupon worth this complete upgrade amount included FREE! 🤫)

The perfect upgrade for your Chord Piano OnRamp BootCamp

This Exclusive Offer is Only Available On This Page

The VIP experience is for action takers. For those that are serious about upping their piano game. Are you that person?

Yes! upgrade Me to VIP for only €97!

Dive deeper, get a more personalized experience & keep LIFETIME access to the training.
(🤫 and get the recordings of the previous OnRamps PLUS a coupon worth this complete upgrade amount included FREE! 🤫)

The perfect upgrade for your Chord Piano OnRamp BootCamp

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