

Instructor-led, focussed, guided & coached accelerators 

Built around a clear, step-by-step schedule and with accountability baked-in; say goodbye to half-finished courses and actually reach your musical goals in the fastest-, most fail-proof way.

👉 don't miss the next chance to get live guidance & support
to accelerate your progress.

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Live Singer/Songwriter's Cohorts

Every semester we host a LIVE premium program to help you implement Piano Hacking & write your very own music.

no need to go at it alone

Accelerate your progress with 4-week sprints


fully guided accelerators

👉 don't miss the next chance to get live guidance & support
to accelerate your progress & integrate the Chord Piano Concepts

Sign Up For the next bootcamp's waitlist

want to learn how to actually play like Elton, Billy, Jamie etc... ?

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the Hack the Piano


Get this 5-part video class for FREE.
Learn the proprietary "musical language" framework that allows pro-pop-piano singers/songwriters to play and sound like they do - without needing sheets.

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the Couturian

The Couturian is a free email newsletter with tips, tricks and lessons for playing modern piano without sheets.

Play It For Me

Get a custom-arranged piano recording
professionally played & recorded by Coen

Teach Me

If you want to learn how to play Chord Piano yourself,
this free workshop is the quickest way to learn how

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