Elton, Billy, Ray, Bruce, Jamie, John, Paul, Alicia, Freddie, Prince, Stevie...
Learn the secrets of your favorite pop-pianists
Without ever needing sheets again
before enrollment closes...
before enrollment closes...
6-Week premium course that takes you from intermediate Chord-pianist, to pop-piano pro.
The premium content-plan that hosts the entire A-Z of Chord Piano in video, audio & text.
Bi-weekly* masterclasses where we analyze real music to see what we can learn, steal and add to our vocabulary for re-use.
Every quarter we host a LIVE Premium BootCamp, ranging from "Play Like... " to specialty classes on things like Songwriting, Improvisation etc.
*When there's no BootCamp running live
Premium community platform that hosts all content, BootCamps, workshops, feedback, assignments, exercises and accountability.
Access recordings of workshops held before you were a member (unique offer only available here - older workshops normally NOT available)
Learn all about extending Chords and creating sophisticated voicings with those color-tones.
How to create moving, flowing arrangements, melodic phrases and riffs.
Where we take coloring and extending to the next level building juicy, jazzy, soulful Chords.
Adding more intricate, engaging rhythmical patterns and combining it with newly acquired skills.
How to build and insert licks, fills and other types of embellishments.
Understand and be able to work with correlations that Chords have with the key and each-other.
*subject to change
✓ Threads & Discussions
✓ Couturian Pro Updates
✓ Practice Room
✓ CoutCam
✓ Docs & Knowledge Base
✓ Updates, New Features & -Content
✓ Mobile App
✓ Threads & Discussions
✓ Couturian Pro Updates
✓ Practice Room
✓ CoutCam
✓ Docs & Knowledge Base
✓ Updates, New Features & -Content
✓ Mobile App
Learn the stylistic traits, tricks and signature techniques from the one and only Piano Man himself - Billy Joel.
Learn how to form and harmonize melodies & create flowing arrangements. Not just good for walking away with your very own songs (which you will) but also for creating unique renditions of existing tunes.
Artist to be announced.
Learn- or improve on foundational Chord Piano skills. Fully scalable program that becomes more interesting with every iteration you complete.
BootCamp to be announced.
*subject to change
Get this 5-part video class for FREE.
Learn the proprietary "musical language" framework that allows pro-pop-piano singers/songwriters to play and sound like they do - without needing sheets.
The Couturian is a free email newsletter with tips, tricks and lessons for playing modern piano without sheets.