Chord Piano Formula

This is a Free webclass. There are no costs, but SEATS ARE limited

"How to play anything by ear, within the hour, sounding exactly like the piano on the record..

..without having to decipher a single piece of sheet music ever again"

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Special Web Class with Coen Modder - the "Chord-Piano Guy" - who created the Roland-featured Hack the Piano methodology, after he went from scratch to Conservatory-student in just 4 years...
- all using the exact frameworks taught in this class

Chord Piano Formula

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want to learn how to actually play like Elton, Billy, Jamie etc... ?

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the Hack the Piano


Get this 5-part video class for FREE.
Learn the proprietary "musical language" framework that allows pro-pop-piano singers/songwriters to play and sound like they do - without needing sheets.

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the Couturian

The Couturian is a free email newsletter with tips, tricks and lessons for playing modern piano without sheets.

Play It For Me

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professionally played & recorded by Coen

Teach Me

If you want to learn how to play Chord Piano yourself,
this free workshop is the quickest way to learn how

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